
merry christmas!


- One first volume of Revolutionary Girl Utena manga, translated into English
- One $20 gift certificate to online yarn store (will buy me about 2 balls of yarn but brother cannot be faulted for not knowing exorbitant price of wool)

On the Chrismukkah tragedy front, it turns out that this computer, despite having a cable internet connection, has an ancient form of Windows that is incompatible with iTunes. So I went to all the trouble of getting a free iPod and now I can't get any music on it. At least I can charge the iPod using our modern-day electrical sockets. Although that's not especially exciting, is it?

P. has a well-thought out, non-ranty post up on her views on the holiday season. Check it out. And G. has finally accepted Christ, or at least his tree.

Weird that, as my mother confessed yesterday that she wished that she had raised us with Christmas. Never mind that she came from a community of Brooklyn Jews (my father was raised in a genuine community of Religion Haters, so it wasn't like we had a real interfaith household). I told her that I was perfectly fine with Hanukkah and with going to my friends' houses to help them with their Christmas trees.

This belated wish for a tree all has to do with some strange conflict between my mother and her in-laws about religion, as far as I can get it had to do with a lack of secular Christmas mixed with a dash of old-school anti-Semitism ("those people," etc.) So, you see, secular people can be prejudiced too. Anyway, even if my mother had put up a tree that side of the family was all a good generation older than she was, so it wasn't like I was being denied romping around the Christmas tree with my family playmates.

My mother also told me that she would be totally fine if I became a Buddhist, but not a Christian. I think she wants me to become a Buddhist Jew...what a prospect.

Chrismukkah tragedy #2: cannot find friend's ex's livejournal which apparently contains a large archive of angsty poetry dedicated to her. I did find the livejournal of Thomas Jefferson, though.

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