
santayana was WRONG

The "technical difficulties" I spoke of in the last entry were actually me trying to upload a picture of the poster for "Fatal Attraction" with Corey Feldman to the site. But I can't (as in can't be bothered to spend hours on the phone to figure it out) so imagine it for yourself. You'd probably do a better job anyway and besides imagination is exercise for the brain!

Went to the Pride parade Sunday. It was extremely hot and the people round us were grabbing at everything the promoters were giving out, not just the good stuff (mint flavored condoms, Kiehl's samples) but crap like bracelets and beads. It was like Mardi Gras for lazy people who wanted to get shitty party favors without having to show their tits.

The parade itself was good times, though, lots of sweaty queers and cowboy-themed corporate floats. All the depraved stuff was at the back with the churches. Apparently the Episcopal church really needs new members, as every "St. Whatever's" was represented. I now have a standing invitation to cocktails at "St. Bart's".

Tonight while killing millions of brain cells watching "I Want to Be a Hilton" I saw something that actually made me feel unashamed - an ad for some new show where Amy Grant does unspecified Nice Things for a smiling retarded child (wearing one of those colander things that Cartman wore to get into the Special Olympics).

For Christ's sake, shouldn't people have housing and medical care without having to be telegenic? The whole thing reminds me of reading about how Marie Antoinette would ride round and give money to/steal children from poor families she deemed especially worthy of her notice. The difference is that Marie Antoinette presumably did it out of the goodness of her heart and got nothing in return but thanks, while the teevee squire also gets an advertising deal with Sears. But the same "Oooh these people are my idea of extra good, let's give them stuff" idea persists. You could make a case for those houses on "Extreme Makeover" being like the "peasants' cottages" that Marie Antoinette built when she wanted to play milkmaid and needed some extras.

Of course Marie Antoinette had her head cut off, which is unlikely to happen to Amy Grant.

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