
my day

I'm copying G. and writing down all the exciting things I do in a day.

1. Got up.
2. Took a shower.
3. Bought a muffin.
4. Sat around and looked at grad school application. Decided it was not worth filling out as there was no chance of me getting in anyway.
5. Pouted over not being able to expand mind abroad in exciting new setting.
6. Firmly told myself that I am really too stupid for learning anything in any exciting new setting excepting perhaps pottery class for lonelyhearts at community center.*
7. Realized that rent check was about to bounce, necessitating �retirement fund� clear-out into regular checking.
8. Realized that freelance check, which was supposed to go to save up towards purchase of new iPod, will now have to go to food.
9. Freaked out over cost of rent, which is as always, too much.
10. Had long conversation with K. about how saving money is stupid, as we have no clue what we want to do with our lives to save up for anyway.
11. Went to lecture. It would have been worth my money if I had more money. Should have stayed home and watched �American Idol: Hollywood Auditions,� not because they are especially enjoyable, but because I�m paying for cable so might as well use that and not waste any more money on outside activities.
12. Decided to change religion, because can never be bourgeois enough at this rate to be successful, Brooksian Jew.
13. Decided to forget it because am already too neurotic to be any other religion, plus if I am going to sit around and listen to somebody droning on during the weekend, might as well stay home and watch TV.
14. Went to sleep.

* I�m not actually taking a pottery class, for Christ�s sake. For some reason everyone must know that was a totally hypothetical situation.

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