
bad habits

Lately I've been absolutely paralyzed with fear. Not the interesting kind of fear that leaves you sleepless because you're dead convinced that a man's going to enter your room and shoot you in the head the minute you close your eyes (note, I've never experienced this scenario, I swear I just made it up) but just the kind of fear that makes you procrastinate on mundane things - assignments for work, the laundry, signing up for the GREs, so on and so on. Ah, who has an avoidance complex? I do! The worst part is that there's really very little consequence to doing these things, either way, except that perhaps I'll do them wrong and someone will yell at me (at work, I suppose - I'd really have to stretch to make anyone mad at me about my laundry). Even admitting that I'm holding back over something so petty is tremendously embarrassing. So I probably won't do anything about it, except obviously writing about it in public, with a lot of adverbs thrown in.

The Emmys last night were absolutely splendafabulous as expected. All the stars were out, including the hundred pasty white dudes who write the Daily Show and some guy sitting next to Matt LeBlanc who looked rather like Terry Gilliam's Baron Munchausen.

I missed the death parade, but apparently nobody clapped when Mary Ellis Bunim came up. I guess she deserved to get cancer and die horribly, for Puck if nothing else. Anyway her celebrity pauper's grave serves as a nice memento mori for Mark Burnett. No one will miss you when you die, "Commando Nanny."

Someone's watching Seventh Heaven in this household. It's reaching through the wall like a blast of terrible radiation.

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