

Did you know that generic Ritalin is called methylphenidate? Yeah, it sounds like it's gonna be good. But it's not. Yet.

Watched Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism last night ($3.95 and you don't have to go out of your house and see the humans, thanks Time Warner). Most of the stuff in there I already knew, like did you know Fox News loves George W. Bush and hates John Kerry? No, really!

There are a few shining moments, like when Bill O'Reilly tears into a WTC attack victim's son for not supporting the war in Afghanistan/Iraq. You can tell O'Reilly is really pissed that none of his relatives or friends died, because he basically tells the kid that he, O'Reilly, is mourning the father better than his own son. Way to go in depersonalizing the dead, dude! There's also the neatly conspiratorial fact that the first guy to call Florida for Bush during the 2000 race was...Bush's first cousin? (What was he doing there, anyway? Do you think he's bitter that the Bush empire has placed him far away from their booze-and-gak soaked center, out in the relatively non-Brahmin arena of Fox News? And after he called Florida, did George the Elder visit him and say, "You did well, my son," with a grave look but a twinkle in his Aryan blue eye? These are the questions that Outfoxed raises!)

The absolute best moment, though, is a clip taken from some Fox News show where the anchors are earnestly discussing "Why Is Jesus So Popular?" Yeah, why is he sitting at the cool kids' table now? Huh?

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