
was hadley his name?

P. and I met up this weekend for some margaritas and some Toni Morrison, and somewhere in there we started talking about a debate that she attended a few days ago. The topic was the best way to deal with gay marriage - through the courts, through legislation, state vs. federal issues, and so on. Not surprisingly, the topic turned into "Evil Faggots Should Burn in Hell" as soon as the "conservative" commentator opened his mouth. When the moderator tried to get him back to the topic, he questioned her authority as a moderator. Apparently he didn't understand the concept of legal issues but could only spout off propaganda. P. said that this idiot was a professor at Amherst but couldn't remember his name. We decided that whoever he was, he probably couldn't get a job at a conservative institution and therefore Amherst picked him up as their toy right-winger.

Looks like Hadley was smart enough to write this: "Consolation Prize". Yeah, those civil unions, so discriminatory. On a totally different topic, wonder if he's bothered to disavow this.

And here's the real-life effect of the Hadleys of this world: Ohio's Issue 1. Not only does it ban gay marriage, but it prohibits state institutions from granting partner benefits and possibly takes away power of attorney, hospital visitation rights, and property rights from gay couples. Weirdly enough, it's now become a corporate issue as businesses don't want to deal with losing gay employees (and possible lawsuits for those companies that grant partnership benefits).

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