
the plague, jake, the plague

In response to G.:

That's so typically American, thinking you live in the most hated country in the world. We have to be #1 at everything, right? Like the old Ford jingle:

We're number one,
Second to none
We're number one
And we hope you had fun

And then the guy starts wailing about Ford. Why does he have to get all passive-aggressive at the end, though? "We hope you had fun!" Does he think that because he didn't plain out say "You suck," no one's going to be angry at him? Ford jingle man is an idiot.

To get back to the point, as long as America has Disneyworld and the Simpsons, Israel will be the #1 hated country in the world. Oddly enough I haven't heard anyone planning to go there, despite the fact that if you can prove you're Jewish you can move right in. Plus, it's warm.

Anyway if you're going, don't think you can escape, as it looks like King George III has smiting power! Truly he is accompanied by signs and wonders. That's why Bush's English is so bad, because he's busy smiting people with holy power. He doesn't have the mental energy to deal with grammar.

God, I hate this woman. The most bizarre part of the article (and I pick from amongst many) is her rejoicing over the fall of the "mainstream media." Woman, you write for the Wall Street Journal! When did that turn into America's Alternative Newspaper? Noonan is ten times worse than Ann Coulter - you can't point and laugh at Noonan. Because she's not crazy. She's just evil. And smug, which is probably worse.

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