
there was no incest in Ender's Game, if you must know

As everyone and their mother who lives in a cave knows by now, Yasser Arafat died last night. The Israeli government marked the occasion by announcing the start of an anti-Arafat publicity campaign. It seems a bit stupid to keep going after the man is dead, but habit is habit, I guess. Ariel Sharon said that the campaign's purpose was to paint Arafat as "a strategist of world terror who hurt innocent people, both Israelis and American diplomats". Perhaps not the best tack, given that most of the world is pretty OK with hurting Israelis and American diplomats.

I can only imagine that this is all leading up to the grandest rumor of all: Yasser Arafat was TEH GAY.

To be evenhanded, I feel compelled to mention that Ariel Sharon married his sister-in-law.

Really, though, it's not as if there were millions of women pining away for Arafat a la Rock Hudson, so no harm, no foul. Besides he did fulfil the purpose of humankind according to Orson Scott Card, that of reproducing and maintaining a two-parent family. (All this despite not being human. Impressive.)

Anyway, I don't want to linger on this any longer because I feel guilty about spreading homophobic rumors and also because I have to wonder how on earth this could even physically happen.

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