
there's a club if you've got to go

Saw a preview of Closer a few days ago. The lovely bertrandrussell has a thorough review up that I generally agree with, so I'll just say that I can't take any movie seriously where Natalie Portman strips to "How Soon Is Now." I don't care if the song is a plea for human connection that underscores the characters' loneliness, it just wouldn't be playing in a strip bar full of paunchy English businessmen. Unless the management was trying to make the men leave so they could clean up. That's an awfully degrading use of the Smiths, though.

Tempest in a Teapot!

Because I need more junk email, I subscribe to several email lists. One of these is Manhattan User's Guide, or MUG (klassy). I haven't been reading it lately since I've been out of town and therefore had no need to use Manhattan or any of the other boroughs for that matter. But I came back in time to witness their fall from grace in the form of advertising a David Sedaris reading that did not actually feature Sedaris himself.

The email was corrected within a day but apparently some people, driven by their mania to see Mr. Sedaris, had already paid their $25, only to then be informed that they were stuck with Rosie Perez and Alec Baldwin. That unleashed the rage.

The best part, that brings me to actually share this with the world, is the posted email from the editor of Daily Candy, another site that promotes various events. The email itself is probably a response to postings like this one. I have no vested interest in either publication, so the fight doesn't really matter so much to me (although the parody is dead-on). The really funny part is the attempt to send the email "anonymously."

Romano runs an entire website and yet doesn't know that your email shows your name when you send it?

That's just so sad.

Anyway people should not have gotten so mad because the Sedaris-free event is for char-i-dee and it's Christmas for Christ's sake. You can at least sit through a Molly Shannon performance once. For the children.

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