

Because my last entry was so sad and incoherent here's some good news to cheer everybody up:

Simon Fuller's EastEnders USA!

What the fuck were they thinking? Being the voice of all America I can safely say that we like dramas about rich, attractive people with problems like prescription drug addiction and getting caught in bed with your underage gardener. Poor people's problems are Sad and therefore not really a topic for television programming. Sometimes there are jolly "working-class" fat men and their long-suffering, inexplicably hot wives in sitcoms, but that's supposed to be funny and besides they always live in remarkably huge houses anyway.

I devoutly hope this show gets made though because if you don't want to see a tv show where pop Svengali Simon Fuller recreates the American inner city you have no taste (or you do have taste, I mean) and I don't want to live in your world. What could his vision possibly be? Does it involve master scribe Kim Fuller of the Spice Girls movie and "From Justin to Kelly"? WILL IT GUEST STAR TAMYRA GRAY?

Of course either the thing will not get made or it will get made and somehow be magnificent and grand and change society. In any case I'll probably be living on a mountaintop or something when it airs and I'll totally have forgotten I ever wrote these words.

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