
pick me nigel...TO LIVE!!!!!

Oh my fucking god y'all.

President Bush wants to cut Medicaid, which is basically health care for people who can't afford it otherwise. (You would be surprised who's on it - a lot of the Aspiring Young Professionals I've worked with at my job have been on Medicaid at one time or another). I suppose the logic is that if you don't have health care, you don't deserve to have health care, you lazy white trash/ghetto dweller/insert other insulting term here. Maybe your church can faith heal you or something. Otherwise, no can do.

So who will help those unlucky enough to not have a job (or have a "permanent" temp job instituted solely because your company doesn't want to pay your health care costs)?

Don't worry! THE TV WILL HELP YOU!

But what about the non-telegenic ill? What will happen to them? Is there some sort of system where the fugly poor will be able to get health care but only with mocking pop up bubbles next to their lesions and sores? Or will they just have to die because it's Darwin's way?

Man, there is something damn wrong with a country when medical care is something you have to famewhore for.

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