
I'm whining about the INTERNET!

Ooof. I am extremely disappointed in myself for keeping in this format instead of doing what I should have done and moving to LiveJournal or Typepad.

Diaryland is quite possibly the best format if you are a cutter or that scary man whose banner announces that he's GAAAYYY!, but it's the worst format if you actually want anyone to read what you write.

Typepad is for serious people who want to write well and possibly get book deals (which is the ultimate form of buying the cow when you can get the milk for free, but I digress).

Livejournal is for people who like to shout out to their friends all the damn time. Seriously, I'm in a webring in which I'm the only person not on LJ and it's like every other person is living in a happy world of best friendship while I'm sitting at the Internet version of the Tard Table, as we so politely called it back in the day. I've noticed that in most LiveJournals, actually - there's about three sentences of actual writing followed up by ten thousand test results that tell which ones of your LJ friends you will end up sleeping with. There are some great ones out there, no mistake, but the overwhelming crap drama just associated with LiveJournal makes me rather scared of it.

I'd like to think that I can write, and therefore people would want to read what I wrote despite the format, but that is utopian thinking. If I want to think that people are going to read my stuff (and then be crushingly disappointed when it is roundly ignored) then I will have to close my account here and start up somewhere else.

The good thing about Diaryland, though, is that since it actually operates like a diary and less of a friends service, you can type out whatever you want and the odds of anyone seeing it are rock bottom. I'm thinking of turning my diary into a general libel site where I go around calling people fat ugly racists who have bad cases of BO, and see how long it takes for anyone to notice that I've accused them of having a case of crotch rot so awful I wouldn't sit on a chair after them. I bet it would be about two or three months before anyone found out.

template by wicked design
