
You ok there, Maggie?

Oh my goodness, did Maggie Gallagher just go off the deep end?

I suppose it's not a surprise that dear Maggie sees a concentration camp looming round every corner. But what's the deal with the sexual connotations in the piece? I can see that there's an argument against assisted suicide (although I wonder where Maggie found the "scientists" that insist that quadriplegics lead perfectly jolly lives.) On one hand, you have the inherent value of human life, and on the other, the idea that a person has the right to make their own choices in said life.

But why throw in lines like "the look of almost sexual ecstasy on lovely Hillary Swank's face when Clint Eastwood finally agrees to kill her" and "the underlying ethos [of "Baby"] is a deeply pagan and masculine one"?

"Masculine"? I suppose males don't value life as much as females do, that must be the point. Also, they are pagans who provide nasty sex feelings to people by killing them off. Perhaps Hilary and Clint were celebrating Beltane together, Maggie!

Really. It's like Maggie didn't have enough of an argument vis-a-vis the value of human life, so she threw in some SEX IS BAD! stuff as well.

She didn't mention the children, though, so perhaps she is not feeling quite up to snuff?

Get well soon Maggie!

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