
scary meat made me sick

I have now quit my job, and gone on to bigger and better things like being unemployed and not getting unemployment as I quit my job. I was all like "I'll be a student again!" for about two days but then it turned out that, while I like learning, learning does not like me.

I actually feel better not having a job as "unemployed" is much easier to explain than what I was doing before. So I no longer have to lie or give long convoluted explanations that end with "So it's like being a secretary, kind of."

There is probably something I can do, a great opportunity sitting right in front of me. I have a large bladder, so maybe I can make that work for me in some sort of perverted way. Everything else requires two years' experience, so I'm out.

My computer refuses to recognize "To Bring You My Love" yet it is eagerly accepting Spice Girls "Spice." Stupid thing. Maybe it's a message from God telling me that things could always be worse, I could be hanging out in my friend's basement watching "Spice World." An open letter to my friend (you know who you are): Why couldn't you have been obsessed with "Rocky Horror" like all the other incipient queers! It's Tim Curry vs. MICHAEL FUCKING BARRYMORE AS "MR. STEP". I hate you.

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