
your whiteness may vary

I want to do this although it's a bit (well, a lot) creepy and also costs $100. And really I already know the story of my ancestors:

- began in Africa
- went north and east
- then went north again, and west
- then they went further west
- and that is where they are today

The important thing is, at some point they became "white". Hooray!

It's not funny, really. Unless your boyfriend wants to breed white, Aryan children off of you. This was an actual sexual object of a friend's boyfriend, needless to say she declined to Aryanize his future family tree and to this day he hasn't had another chance at a woman, Aryan or not.

It's just so romantic, when a man wants you for your blonde womb.

Now this is funny. Keith Carradine is George W. Bush? And wasn't Julian Sands in the Warlock movies? Or am I completely making shit up?

Five minutes later:Oh Christ, I wasn't!

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