
cruel to be kind

I love hearing stories of nasty behavior, especially when totally unprovoked. Read this - it's like Cosmo Confessional, only with less sex and more poo and cruelty.The winner of the "Ooooh I'm AWFUL, Am I Not?" Award is the first story, where the writer confesses to anonymously tormenting an obviously mentally ill person. Honey, that's the kind of thing that we at least pretend to feel ashamed about in our later years. Some of us actually feel bad about it, but you don't even have to do that.

The other ones are less heinous, ranging from drunken threats to a child (provoked by hicks, so it's OK, I guess) to throwing shit on a relative's car (actually hilarious). My favorite is the Other Woman on the phone - I guess her punishment was that the sex was so bad that she would stop to chat.

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