
my new inamorata

I have found my new crazy ass right wing love! Debbie Schlussel is partly the right-wing equivalent of all those academics who composed articles on the neofeminism of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". How else can you explain an article about the evils of "24"'s not hating Muslims enough? Or an article condemning "The Interpreter" for not hating Muslims enough? Or a whole fucking article on Cat Stevens not hating himself enough?

For reality TV fans there is also some incomprehensible article about "The Apprentice" and an article about "American Idol" turning America's teen virgins into sex-crazy baby machines.

The problem with Debbie is that she's like Ann Coulter in that she's crazy right-wing, but she's not like "Mann" in that instead of Ann's namecalling and random sexual references (does she still namecheck Bill Clinton's cock in every single column? I haven't read her in a while) Debbie offers long lists of evidence against every person she denounces - which makes for a lot of lists. Coulter may believe some of what she writes, but she knows well enough that her audience reads her to get riled and self-righteous. But this woman seems to be a genuine believer in the power of her words. And there does seem to be some evidence for this view. After all, she singlehandedly exposed the Muslim cartel behind Caribou Coffee, and was also a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. But you really do get a feeling that Debbie believes that the world is about to be taken over then promptly blown up by Muslims, the only advantage of this being that virgins will be deflowered in heaven by order of the Koran instead of on earth by order of Simon Fuller, and presumably heavenly virgins don't turn into welfare queens, etc.

Unfortunately for Debbie, she only has the second largest fan club for a political personality, and this fan club is apparently not large enough or wealthy enough to get her an ad-free site. Thus the ads for Muslim singles that accompany the columns. If you are a Muslim single and are into Internet dating (there must be a market for it if the sites exist), please go to Debbie's page and check out the date sites. Who knows, you might find your special someone and it will all be because of Debbie Schussel.

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