
michael heseltine - still alive? this shocks and annoys me

Yesterday I went to my Cinco de Mayo party which of course included the obligatory two hours' wait for a table at a Mexican restaurant. And only one margarita, stupid other people who are employed and can't drink large glasses of tequila. After that went in search of more alcohol. One thing I have learned is that no matter how hard you try, if there are people within four years of your age in a given location you will have somebody in common with them even if you arrive as a total Creepy Stranger. I miss the suburbs where nobody knew anybody's friends/acquaintances, due to the fact that we all went to huge, prisonlike high schools.

I just tried to find out which British political party I was, but there wasn't any "God Hates Fags: True or False?" question or a scale about how gloating one should be about bombing other countries into rubble for no reason, so I couldn't get my mind around it and I had to quit.

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