

Now I have... THE RAGE!!!!!

There is nothing more humiliating than having your credit card declined right as a pack of well dressed girls walks into the store, while you are standing around in your too-big jeans from high school, and having to listen to them talk about how they made CD mixes for their mother's birthday and knowing that the CD player on your 5 year old laptop is broken, therefore not letting you get any music on your iPod*, therefore making all your neighbors suffer as you play that Tenacious D CD right out loud.

In a panic I ran right home to see if I had somehow gone over the limit. It turns out that I have not but I have hit a debt mark so monstrous I have to pay more money just to make the monthly payments. Money which I will never have, because I have the job skills of a hamster.

In even more of a panic I went and got one of those free credit reports and apparently my credit is rather crap, due to my 1. having too much debt for 2. not a long enough period of time.

Well, at least I have something financial-wise to talk about with all my friends who are getting mortgages.


Should I:

- Attempt to reduce my credit bills by responsible spending (pros, better credit, cons, I haven't got any money and I want a fucking decent pair of jeans and some wedges I saw in the overpriced shoe store)

- Blow an extra $1500 because there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to pay the thing off anyway (cons, stupid, pros, I want new things and it's not like I'm ever going to buy a house anyway, and what if I died tomorrow, or at least in the near future? then as my very last moments passed I'd regret not getting a $80 skirt)

There is no actual way to vote on this, so I'm stuffing the ballot box for option 2.

After all, for Christ's sake** I'm a young white female, my purpose in life is to exchange imaginary money for goods. In fact, people should throw more money at me, because god knows it's not like I'm going to contribute anything else to society.

* I got the iPod through a dubious pyramid scheme for free, otherwise I would still be carrying around the Coby discman I got as a present. It's useless without my laptop CD player because I can't afford the cable modem that would allow me to actually download songs. All right?

** Calling upon Christ's name in this situation is not hypocritical at all.

The notes function is now turned on, so leave me a note if you so feel like it. Maybe the lack of crappy guestbookiness will get me up to all of ten notes. Aim high I always say.

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