
it's your birthday happy birthday happy birthday boy or girl!

Today is my birthday! Happy birthday to me. I spent last night having tiki drinks with my brother and tonight I have to go to sleep early. In the meantime, I have to shop for a TV. So not a very exciting birthday at all. Hopefully this isn't a harbinger of the year ahead.

Here's a site full of faux Chinese/Japanese tattoos such as "crazy diarrhea" and "grasshopper worshiper" (is that a "Kung Fu" reference?) Be like G., and have the good sense to have your tattoo done in English.

Birthday update: I did not get a TV but instead spent the time hiding out from my roommate's relatives as they moved her stuff and reading Bertrand Russell's "History of Philosophy". Perhaps my reading denotes the onset of a new intellectual maturity. I also got a call from Croatia (exotic!) and a picture of the Young Generation Dancers (with accompanying haiku) from G., and an e-card from my roommate-to-be which bodes well. And a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!" email! I have good friends who know exactly what makes me smile, which is the best present of all (all together now: Awwwwww.)

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