
Netflix of old

It seems like everybody else is telling stories of exotic travel or raunchy sex, so I'm going to talk about the library.

I had to go finagle my membership today because I'm trying to be good and not buy everything from Barnes & Noble. After angering the information lady, I got to stand by while the woman in front of me in line got her books. Well, they were supposed to be books and DVDs, but it turned out her Hindi movie had been mislabled and had magically turned into "The Reluctant Rogue" by Elizabeth Powell. Not surprisingly, she was displeased.

The library as always is dingy-looking, I wouldn't be surprised if all libraries were abolished in the future on the principle that if you don't have enough money to buy your own books/CDs/DVDs you don't really deserve to enjoy them anyway. Then they'll have to start up the circulating libraries that they had in the past, where you pay a fee and the books are sent to you, like ancient Netflix.

Why are people (right-wing people, I guess I shoud say) shocked by pictures like this? Especially the people who, after the WMDs were given up for good, decided that the Iraq war was a great idea because we were freeing people from tyranny and now that they were free they could build a state with liberty and justice and a free press. A free press which is apparently required to be pro-American despite deep anti-American feeling in the region. What happened to the good old days when you just declared a country full of inferior idiots who needed to be ruled by your fatherly hand? It would be less embarrassing than this "Everyone deserves to be free under constitutional law OH WAIT STOP TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME AND BY THE WAY YOU'RE NOT DOING YOUR CONSTITUTION RIGHT" bs. I'm not all for marrying nine year old girls and whatnot, but if you want people to live a certain way, just force them to it in the first place, you're only wasting your time otherwise.

Anyway, I think these good people read Thomas Friedman and suddenly went retarded. Either that or, more likely, they just like to be outraged 24/7 and find A-rabs a good target, just like Bush is for the other half of the American population.

Now I'm outraged!

Neil LaBute's Wicker Man.

Neil LaBute? Can't he go back to writing plays about guys who can't handle dating fat girls and leave poor Wicker Man alone? NOOOOOOOOOO!

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