
hey hey this is awkward!

Today a man came up to me in the Barnes & Noble checkout line and asked me if I would go have coffee with him.

I lied and said I was "taken."

I turned away to get my book but heard him muttering about a smirk. I smirk when I lie, it's true.

It got even more awkward when I asked him what he said.

"Nothing," he replied.

"No, I heard something." He had to pony up if he was going to talk about me behind my back literally behind my back.

"I would have said 'involved' if I were you."

"What, is 'taken' too S&M for you?"

That ended it.

My excuse is that I was pissed that I didn't get to see the George Galloway/Christopher Hitchens debate on the war in Iraq. Instead I ended up watching Nigel Lythgoe on "You Think You Can Dance?" which just made me feel like the ultimate no-class idiot (although if you think about it it's probably the same level of discourse, only one topic is less profoundly stupid than the other). Perhaps this was because there was no appropriate debate opponent, like the Dyson Vacuum Man or something.

It would probably still be better than "McLaughlin Group."

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