
I'm a master of American thought

I should probably update my diary, as the last entry is stale by now (and it wasn't very good in the first place). Yes, forced writing in one's own public diary is fun!

Still working on Perkin Warbeck. He's almost hanged (not "hung"), though. Afterwards, The Voyage Out. Plus I have got the first two DVDs of "Firefly" coming to me through the magic of Netflix. I will be quite culturally educated very soon.

It's awesome that people can become famous through writing death screeds against Jamie Oliver. Well, semi-famous. Semi-famous in a good way, actually, without having to have to eat bugs, sing, or attempt to have sex in public.

I have a $25 gift certificate to iTunes that I can finally use. Any music suggestions for my poor neglected guestbook? (crickets chirping, wind whistles through the trees)

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