
in England they spell it "paedo"

People who tell me about their magical overseas adventures of love: Dude, I just don't need to hear it, especially when my romantic prospects consist of my ex (after sitting around watching him ogle models, true story (of the future)). I'm sure I could have a relationship with somebody who does not speak English, but it would not be the "romantic" type where you are speeding along the roads of Italy on the back of the Vespa and then make love on a cliffside but would probably involve the backroom of a grocery store with a grate grinding against my back, which isn't the point at all. Anyway I already had an affair with an Englishman (translation: a drunk hit on me at Butlin's when I was a "mature-looking" thirteen).

Maybe it's God's will that some people have scorching good international travels and other people get harassed by pedos at Butlin's, but it's probably some inner fault of mine. Anyway I've already wasted a good half of my twenties, so there's no point in trying to do anything other than fret about how I've wasted a good half of my twenties.*

* there are probably other things I could do but I have a feeling that my personality type was probably set at "sad" at the age of thirteen and there's nothing to do but ride it out, so I can finally get to 40 and can sound legitimately Sad when I whine about wasting my life.

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