
a living mannequin

Spotted this morning on the train: couple, each member of which was tall and attractive, attacking each others' faces while a short and pimply (his)/saggy-chinned (hers) couple stood by in perfect asexuality. For a second I wondered if they were brother and sister and just exceptionally close and perhaps hiding some sort of wretched "Flowers in the Attic" type bond, but probably not. Eventually the weak-chinned girl sat down and whipped out a paperback copy of "Middlesex" like every other third person on the train. I knew it was "Middlesex" by the color scheme alone, without any actual nasty reading involved. Which is sad because the colors involved are black and grey.

The top spot in the "Strangers on a Train" sweepstakes has to go to the caricature of a hipster wearing a "Ski Iraq" teeshirt. I am willing to bet good money that his body has also played host for "Jesus is My Homeboy."

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