
blech blargh sick noises

I have been busy busy busy being sick as a pack of feral dogs. I am never sick when it would be convenient for me but always when my schedule is full of delicious possibilities. This weekend I had a friend in from Japan, a con (with possibility of dancing afterwards, which I did not know at the time, which only would have depressed me more so it's good that I didn't know), and a friend in from Long Island (it's far away, like Japan, really!) who managed to drag another friend into the city. This also would not have been so important except that the drag-ee never comes out of her apartment, she is rather like the groundhog and turns at her shadow. I haven't seen her in maybe a year now. And now because I am sick I'll probably never see her again.

Instead I watched a lot of TV and ate a lot of soup. Huzzah.

Oooh I need to do things. When you are sick the world moves on without you, especially when you stand up and get all woozy.

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