
a story involving nuns

It occurs to me that maybe I should write something that isn't related to whining about my weekend. (It was snowbound. Exciting.) So here's a smattering - a potpourri one might say - of things unrelated to myself and my snowy weekend.

Samantha Bee is so cute. I'm not even going to mention that SHE'S FROM CANADA. Except I just did.

The four questions personality test. I'm the Messiah! At least according to Myers-Briggs. Maybe not so much according to the Bible.

Germaine Greer wrote The Female Eunuch. She also wrote an article about her turn on Celebrity Big Brother! This article really has to be read to be believed. Keep in mind that this woman was famous for going head-to-head with notorious macho jackass (and author of ridiculous Armies of the Night) Norman Mailer. Endemol broke her in half, though.

A story on PublishAmerica, an outfit that will print up your book for "free". The catch is that you have to buy the copies if you want to distribute the book, as bookchains won't accept any of the titles.

A few people do break into the big leagues with self-published novels, although I've never heard of one from PublishAmerica. There's probably fanfic out there with more publicity (and the authors definitely get more material rewards).

A snow-related story: My roommate was waiting to cross the street last night when a truck sped by, causing a wall of slush to rise up and hit her in the face.

And then a nun laughed at her!

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