
the internet gives us access to everyone!

I know that this is stupidly "meta" and has probably been commented on already, but I have to throw my two cents in about this article on blogging by Slate's Jack Shafer.

Shafer makes the point that the "blogosphere" (oh lord) has gotten way too big for its britches. To prove that he's down with the kids today, he lists a number of blogs that he's read since back in the day, dawg.

Every single person on that list is a guy. And I'd be willing to bet a small amount of money that every single guy on that list is white. (I could go further and say that THEY'RE ALL JEWS!, but that's mean and crude and doesn't really appear to be true, even. So much for the Zionist media conspiracy. Maybe they're all homosexual?)

It's comforting to know that whatever media you work in, old or new, white guys will always lead the way.

(Check out the comments section: Shafer quotes the reaction to his article from other blogs. Most of these blogs, unlike the ones referenced in the actual article, are not those of well-known "old media" journalists. Yet even when Shafer dares to read a blog that's not kid-tested and mother-approved, he still manages to hit only blogs written by guys! How'd he do that? Is it magic? Could he sense the testosterone through the screen?)

I swear I'm gonna stop writing on actual Things In the News. Really, I'll stop soon!

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