
i'm a disgusting bitch!

Christ, this store is everywhere! $25 for a tee with your neighborhood emblazoned across the front or you can make something of your own creation which hopefully will not be as stupid as wearing panties with "Greenpoint" on the butt.

I'm bitter as I used to make these sorts of tees with Kids Size Larges and a Sharpie. Really, you only need to know where your tits are (or where your nipples are, for the gentlemen out there). Past that, you're good to go and it only costs $10, $9 if you already have the Sharpie. Has the DIY spirit totally died in this generation? Sad.

The original store is round my stomping grounds, by the way, although I've never gone in. The other locations (South Street Seaport? Kodak Theater where the exciting finale of American Idol is held each year?) seem to be slightly less hipster friendly.

Oh, it's really a good idea.

I'm only saying that because I think I might know one of the baby models and only a disgusting bitch would insult a baby.

I hate to say this because this is an awfully Diarylandish thing to say, but sometimes I hate my family. My mother was complaining to me today about my brother - he didn't get financial aid for grad school from the university he's attending, and she insisted that it was because he hadn't socialized enough with his Computer Science teachers. I tried to tell her that it was because he missed their financial aid application deadline, but she insisted that he was refused aid not because he forgot to ask for it, but because he wasn't a friendly enough person.

It's quite tragic, as he's only gotten a full scholarship at the University of Virginia for his Masters, this after getting a full scholarship for all four years of his bachelor's degree. So somebody out there likes him, too bad it's not his mom.

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