
forgive me, I have crap wine to drink

Just got back from a Phillip Glass concert - "Orion," the piece he did for the 2004 Olympics. It was good, but a bit Small World because it was themed by continent (and sub-continent if you count India) and all the featured performers wore "native" costume. I dragged P. along and she enjoyed it enough to get the CD, which she got signed, thus permitting me to creep along behind her and sneak my program in. Hooray for signed programs, although really you can't tell who signed what after five minutes as all the signatures look the same (except for the digeridoo player's, who drew a cute face). But still.

This makes up for not reading Virginia Woolf, but instead reading these two horrible "sensation" novels by Louisa May Alcott that I picked up for $1 at a stoop sale. One of them was done when she was seventeen, but the other was written 2 years or so before "Little Women" and it's absolutely wretched. How on earth did she come up with "Little Women"? I'm tempted to go back and read "Little Women," perhaps it was more crap than I remembered from when I was six.

Sort of flirted with Ultimate Emo Boy on train - he had the glasses and hair and anything. It was like a time warp, only a really puny time warp that went back only three or four years. I'm sad, I can only sort of flirt with emo boys because none of them liked me in high school, which as everybody knows is the source of all trauma in life.

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