
me not write well

Have had a very merry Christmas/Hanukkah thing going on, spending time with friends and family. Except that my mother wants me to get a nose job and go to journalism school. Maybe this is because she expects to die within the next few years so she wants to get rid of all her money before she goes (I first heard her prognostications of death when she mournfully declared that our ancient cat would outlive her). I told her that journalism school was a masterful waste of time, especially for somebody who is so poor at networking as me - I can fail at networking for $40 on a Mediabistro membership, so there's no reason to pay $50,000 a year to do it, etc. etc. - but nothing will convince her. Not even after I went to a j-school informational meeting which seemed to be made up entirely of worn-out media types. One girl was already working for the "Today" show, and expressed fretful concern that the show had broadcast a Kerry/Bush Jibjab cartoon - it was "racy," I think she said.

At that point I knew this was not what I wanted to do with the next 2 years of my life.

Please if anybody has any j-school failure stories email me! I need ammunition, goddammit.

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