
i spent my new year's in the basement with the coat check boy

Am sitting and watching "i am trying to break your heart," kind of, and trying to decide whether this part is supposed to be hipster racism or not. But probably not.

K. and R. and R. came to NYC for New Year's, along with a lot of other people whose initials will not be mentioned here. We ran round the town going to concerts, museums with emphatic exhibit titles and "Casanova" which probably got an R for the sight of Oliver Platt in a fat suit kissing a rather withered looking Lena Olin. I command everyone to write erotic poetry commemorating this event.

I'm starting my new year off right, not with resolutions but with stalking. A round-up of everybody I know:

G. hung out with some semi-mutual friends for New Year's, K.'s parents watched the last 5 minutes of the Dick Clark/ Ryan Seacrest New Year's Countdown, my brother went to a party in Maryland where he avoided the lure of fake E, I think L. and J. watched Gargoyles, I don't know what S. did but she needs to come up here soon, my roommate stayed home and ate crackers.

I'm glad that G. was able to see through the horror of Desperate Housewives right away. At least one of us still has a functioning brain, and I'm sure she can articulate her reasons using the theory of the masculine gaze.

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