
I need that coffee table so I can kick it Anita Brookner style

Had two lovely evenings that socially required drinking large amounts of alcohol, culminating in me falling asleep on the subway and waking up at what I thought was Jay Street and turned out to be Avenue I, getting off in a panic at Avenue M, and waiting alone for the uptown train on a cold, snowy elevated platform at approximately 3 in the morning. I was terrified, despite the fact that nobody bothered me while I was asleep on the train, and nobody was going to purposely come up onto a freezing cold subway platform to check if there were stupid, drunken young women to rob. I think it was looking out over the rooftops and thinking how close I was to Brighton Beach, yet if by some chance I had slept all the way to Stillwell Avenue there wasn't anywhere I could go anymore. At some point the train came and I tucked myself into one of the corner seats and pulled my hood over my head and eventually got back to my stop, and when I got out there were still other drunken people wandering around. And I walked home and went to sleep.

All my friends have become wine experts. I am going to have to buy one of those "Wine for Dummies" books to catch up with them, only also with pretty pictures so I can put it on my coffee table, once I have a coffee table and some dusty lace curtains as well.

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